Auto Accident and Spine Trauma

A car accident at 2.5 mph can result in significant injuries.
Brault JR, Wheeler JB, Siegmund GP, Brault EJ. Clinical response of human subjects to rear-end automobile collisions. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998; 79:72-80.
Dr. Oslay and his understand the complexities of spine trauma and the injuries that can be caused by auto accident injuries. Getting and accurate diagnosis and early necessary care leads to a more complete and speedy recovery.
Immediately after an auto collision, it’s common for people to wait to get treatment. Most people think, “I’ll just wait to see how I feel next week.” This approach can be a mistake.
A number of scientific studies show that when a patient gets early treatment soon after a crash, they have a better outcome than those patients who wait.
During a crash, the tissues of your neck can be stretched or torn. You may not feel pain right away, but as the tissues become swollen and inflamed, patients often wake up the next day sore and with a stiff neck.
Pain and stiffness are signs of trauma to the ligaments and muscles of your neck. The body’s response to injury is to restrict movement and to heal the injury by sending white blood cells to the area. Your body will then begin repairing the injured area by laying down scar tissue.
The problem with scar tissue is that each joint in your neck has a fairly limited range of motion. Scar tissue reduces that motion even more, and if you don’t receive proper treatment, that can result in permanent limited mobility, chronic pain, and even spinal degeneration of the joints.
Getting early treatment will break up this pattern by increasing movement in the injured area and by preventing the development of scar tissue.
If you’ve been in a crash, it’s important to see your chiropractor right away to be checked out and to start the process of recovery. Your chiropractor will work with you gently to increase the range of motion in your spine and help your body heal quickly.
If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please give our office a call.
Not all offices perform the procedures necessary to determine the extent of your injuries. Even if you have been to the hospital or other doctors, it is vital to make sure that all of your injuries after a car accident have been addressed. Dr. Oslay will identify, document, and treat your injuries. He will also refer you to a specialist if necessary. Our team of clinically excellent specialists are some of the best in their field.

Trauma Team Doctor’s Team
- Radiologist / Neuroradiologist
- Neurologist
- Neurosurgeon
- Pain Management / Anesthesiologist
- Orthopedic Surgeon
- Physical Medicine
- Neuro-Audiologist
Injures After a Car Accident Can Include:

- Headaches
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Whiplash
- Dizziness
- Blurry Vision
- Knee and Shoulder Pain
- Disc Injury
- Numbness & Tingling
- and possibly more…