Dr. Ted Oslay
Curriculum Vitae
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
Curriculum Vitae
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Nasal Release Technique, Alternave; Concussion, and Traumac Brain Injuries, Training and Proficiency, 4/24/2023, Cynthia Stein PT, MEd, Chief Physical Therapist | Naval Regional Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA,1977-1981, Senior Clinical Instructor | Hahnemann Medical College, Dept. of P.T., Philadelphia, PA, 1980-1981.
Accredited Drug Tesng Specimen Collecon Training and Proficiency, 3/21/2023.
Cerfied Medical Examiner on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administraon’s Naonal Registry of Cerfied Medical Examiners for Doctor of Chiropracc, Illinois License number 038-005491. Naonal Registry No.: 8177406590, 3/21/2023.
Treang Physician & Clinic Director, Ted Oslay D.C. P.C., Marion, IL, 2019 – Present
Clinical Director, Early Intervenon Onsite Facility, Champion Laboratories, Albion, IL, 2010 – 2019
Clinical Director, Early Intervention Onsite Facility, Airtex Products LP, Fairfield, IL, 2009 – 2018
Founder & Director, Respondex Systems Inc., DeKalb, IL, 1990 – 2007
Treang Physician & Clinic Director, Theodore F. Oslay D.C., DeKalb, IL, 2001 – 2003
Treang Physician & Clinic Director, Theodore F. Oslay D.C., P.C., DeKalb, IL, 1985 – 1995
Treating Physician and Clinical Director, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, DeKalb, IL, 1989 – 1992
Doctor of Chiropracc, licensed in the State of IL, License # 038.005491, 1985-Present
Doctor of Chiropracc, licensed in the State of WI, License # 2043, 1985-1988
Doctorate of Chiropracc, Palmer College of Chiropracc, Davenport, IA, 1985
Internship, Palmer College Clinic, Davenport, Iowa, 1984 – 1985,
Internship, Palmer College Clinic, Department of Radiology, Davenport, Iowa, 1984 – 85
Naonal Board of Chiropracc Examiners, Part I, 1984
Naonal Board of Chiropracc Examiners, Part II, 1984
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Undergraduate Studies in Pre-Med., Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana, 1972 – 75
Impairment Rang, The understanding and ulizaon of protocols and parameters of
the AMA Guide to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 6th Edion. Spine, neurological sequelae, migraine, sexual dysfuncon, sleep and arousal disorders,
staon and gait disorders and consciousness are detailed for impairment rang. Herniated discs, radiculopathy, fracture, dislocaon and funconal loss are also detailed in relaon to impairment rangs. Cleveland University-Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Post Chiropracc Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo NY, 2021
Neurology of Ligament Pathology-Normal Morphology and Tissue Damage, Connecve Tissue morphology, embryology and wound repair as sequelae to trauma. Full components of strain-sprain models and permanency implicaons with wound repair and osseous aberraon with aberrant structural integrity. Academy of Chiropracc, Post-Doctoral Division, Cleveland University-Kansas City, College of Chiropracc, Long Island, NY, 2021
Neurology of Ligament Pathology-Spinal Biomechanics and Disc Pathology, Disc pathology as sequelae to trauma; herniaon, extrusion, protrusion, sequestraon and how the spinal unit as one system creates homeostasis to balance the pathology. Academy of Chiropracc, Post-Doctoral Division, Cleveland University-Kansas City, College of Chiropracc, Long Island, NY, 2021
Demonstrave Diagnosis and Documenng Spinal Pathology, analyzing paent records, x-rays and MRI’s in determining eology of traumacally-induced pathological lesions. Clinically correlang the history, clinical findings, imaging findings and diagnosed bodily injuries to conclude and accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropracc, Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2021
Demonstrave Diagnosis and Documenng Spinal Disc Injuries, differenally diagnosing disc vs. posterior longitudinal ligaments vs. Thecal Sac vs. spinal cord vs. Ligamentum Flava pathology and insult. Idenfying the borders of lesions and discerning between anatomic structures pathologically effected demonstrably. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropracc, Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2021
Neurodiagnostics, Imaging Protocols and Pathology of the Trauma Patient, An in-depth understanding of the protocols in triaging and reporting the clinical findings of the trauma paent. Maintaining ethical relationships with the medical-legal community. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2020
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Diagnostics, Risk Factors, Clinical Presentation and Triaging the Trauma Patient, An extensive understanding of the injured with clinically coordinating the history, physical findings and when to integrate neurodiagnostics. An understanding on how to utilize emergency room records in creating an accurate diagnosis and the significance of “risk factors” in spinal injury. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-
Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2020
Crash Dynamics and Its Relationship to Causality, An extensive understanding of the physics involved in the transference of energy from the bullet car to the target car. This includes G’s of force, newton’s, gravity, energy, skid marks, crumple zones, spring factors, event data recorder and the graphing of the movement of the vehicle before, during and aer the crash. Determining the clinical correlation of forces and bodily injury. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2020
MRI, Bone Scan and X-Ray Protocols, Physiology and Indications for the Trauma Paent, MRI interpretation, physiology, history and clinical indications, bone scan interpretation, physiology and clinical indications, x-ray clinical indications for the trauma paent. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2020
Neurodiagnostic Tesng Protocols, Physiology and Indications for the Trauma Paent, Electromyography (EMG), Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV), Somato Sensory Evoked Potential (SSEP), Visual Evoked Potential (VEP), Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Potential (BAER) and Visual-Electronystagmography (V-ENG) interpretation, protocols and clinical indications for the trauma patient. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2020
Documentaon and Reporng for the Trauma Vicm, Understanding the necessity for accurate documentaon and diagnosis ulizing the ICD-10 and the CPT to accurately describe the injury through diagnosis. Understanding and ulizing state regulaons on reimbursement issues pertaining to healthcare. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropracc Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2020
Documenting Clinically Correlated Bodily Injury to Causality, Understanding the necessity for accurate documentation, diagnosis and clinical correlation to the injury when reporting injuries in the medical-legal community. Documenting the kinesiopathology, myopathology, neuropathology, and pathophysiology in both a functional and structural paradigm. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2020
Demonstrave Diagnosis and Documenng Spinal Pathology, Analyzing paent records, x-rays and MRI’s in determining eology of traumacally-induced pathological lesions. Clinically correlang the history, clinical findings, imaging findings and diagnosed bodily injuries to conclude and accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan. Academy of Chiropracc Post-Doctoral Division, PACE Approved for the Federaon of Chiropracc
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Licensing Boards, 2021
Demonstrave Diagnosis and Documenng Spinal Disc Injuries, Differenally diagnosing disc vs. posterior longitudinal ligaments vs. Thecal Sac vs. spinal cord vs. Ligamentum Flava pathology and insult. Idenfying the borders of lesions and discerning between anatomic structures pathologically effected demonstrably, Academy of Chiropracc Post-Doctoral Division, PACE Approved for the Federaon of Chiropracc Licensing Boards, 2021
MRI History and Physics, Magnetic fields, T1 and T2 relaxations, nuclear spins, phase encoding, spin echo, T1 and T2 contrast, magnetic properties of metals and the historical perspective of the creation of NMR and MRI. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
MRI Spinal Anatomy and Protocols, Normal anatomy of axial and sagittal views utilizing T1, T2, 3D gradient and STIR sequences of imaging. Standardized and desired protocols in views and sequencing of MRI examination to create an accurate diagnosis in MRI. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
MRI Disc Pathology and Spinal Stenosis, MRI interpretation of bulged, herniated, protruded, extruded, sequestered and fragmented disc pathologies in etiology and neurological sequelae in relationship to the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
MRI Spinal Pathology, MRI interpretation of bone, intradural, extradural, cord and neural sleeve lesions. Tuberculosis, drop lesions, metastasis, ependymoma, schwanoma and numerous other spinal related tumors and lesions. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
MRI Methodology of Analysis, MRI interpretation sequencing of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine inclusive of T1, T2, STIR and 3D gradient studies to ensure the accurate diagnosis of the region visualized. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
MRI Clinical Application, The clinical application of the results of space occupying lesions. Disc and tumor pathologies and the clinical indications of manual and adjustive therapies
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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in the patient with spinal nerve root and spinal cord insult as sequelae. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
MRI Protocols Clinical Necessity, MRI slices, views, T1, T2, STIR axial, stacking, FFE, FSE and sagittal images. Clinical indication for the utilization of MRI and pathologies of disc in both trauma and non-trauma sequellae, including bulge, herniation, protrusion, extrusion and sequestration. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
MRI Interpretation of Lumbar Degeneration/Bulges, MRI slices, views, T1, T2, STIR axial, stacking, FFE, FSE and sagittal images in the interpretation of lumbar degeneration. With the co-morbidities and complications of stenosis, pseudo-protrusions, cantilevered vertebrate, Schmorl’s nodes and herniations. Central canal and cauda equina compromise interpretation with management. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY,
MRI Interpretation of Cervical Degeneration/Bulges, MRI slices, views, T1, T2, STIR axial, stacking, FFE, FSE and sagittal images in the interpretation of cervical degeneration. With the co-morbidities and complications of stenosis, pseudo-protrusions, cantilevered vertebrate, Schmorl’s nodes and herniations. Spinal cord and canal compromise interpretation with management. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
MRI Interpretation of Cervical Herniations, MRI slices, views, T1, T2, STIR Axial, FFE, FSE and sagittal images in the interpretation of lumbar herniations. With the co-morbidities and complications of stenosis, pseudo-protrusions, cantilevered vertebrate, Schmorl’s nodes and herniations. Morphology of lumbar disc pathologies of central and lateral herniations, protrusions, extrusions, sequestration, focal and broad based herniations are defined and illustrated. Spinal cord and canal compromise interpretation with management. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
MRI Interpretation of Degenerative Spine and Disc Disease with Overlapping Traumatic Insult to Both Spine and Disc, MRI slices, views, T1, T2, STIR Axial, FFE, FSE and sagittal images in the interpretation of degenerative spondylolisthesis, spinal canal stenosis, Modic type 3 changes, central herniaons, extrusions, compressions, nerve root
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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compressions, advanced spurring and thecal sac involvement from an orthopedic, emergency room, chiropractic, neurological, neurosurgical, physical medicine perspective. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
MRI Spine Interpretation, An evidence-based understanding of time-related etiology of disc pathology considering the American Society of Neuroradiology’s designaon of protrusion, extrusion, and sequestration of spinal discs, Considering the signal intensity of discs in age-dating pathology and acquisition protocols for advanced spinal imaging. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, PACE Approved for the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards, Cleveland University Kansas City, 2020
Accident Reconstruction: Terms, Concepts and Definitions, The forces in physics that prevail in accidents to cause bodily injury. Quantifying the force coefficients of vehicle mass and force vectors that can be translated to the occupant and subsequently cause serious injury. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2020
Accident Reconstruction: Causality, Bodily Injury, Negave Acceleration Forces, Crumple Zones and Critical Documentation, Factors that cause negative acceleration to zero and the subsequent forces created for the vehicle that get translated to the occupant. Understanding critical documentation of hospitals, ambulance reports, doctors and the legal profession in reconstructing an accident. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2020
Accident Reconstruction: Skid Marks, Time, Distance, Velocity, Speed Formulas and Road Surfaces, The mathematical calculations necessary utilizing time, distance, speed, coefficients of friction and acceleration in reconstructing an accident. The application of the critical documentation acquired from an accident site. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2020
Accident Reconstruction: Research, Causality and Bodily Injury, Delta V issues correlated to injury and mortality, side impact crashes and severity of injuries, event data recorder reports correlated to injury, frontal impact kinematics, crash injury metrics with many variables and inquiries related to head restraints. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2020
Stroke Anatomy and Physiology: Stroke Types and Blood Flow, Various types of stroke identifying ischemia, hypo perfusion, infarct and penumbra zones and emboli. Cardiac etiologies and clinical features as precursor to stroke with associated paradoxical emboli and thrombotic etiologies. Historical and co-morbidities that have etiology instroke inclusive of diabetes, coagulopathy, acquired and hereditary deficiencies.
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Texas Chiropractic College, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY 2021
Stroke Principles of Treatment an Overview for the Primary Care Provider, Stroke type and treatments performed by vascular specialists. The goals of treatment with the physiology of the infarct and penumbra zones and the role of immediate triage in the primary care setting. Detailing the complications of stroke and future care in the chiropractic, primary care or manual medicine clinical setting. Texas Chiropractic College, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post- Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY 2021
Clinical Evaluation and Protocols for Identifying Stroke Risk, The neurological history and examination for identifying stroke risks with a focus on supra and infratentorial regions, upper and lower motor lesions, cranial nerve signs, spinal cord pathology, motor and sensory pathology and gait abnormalities. Examining genetic and family histories along with dissection risk factors. Stroke orthopedic testing and clinical guidelines pertaining to triage for the primary care provider. Texas Chiropractic College, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY 2021
Spinal Trauma Pathology, Triage and Connective Tissue Injuries and Wound Repair, Triaging the injured and deferentially diagnosing both the primary and secondary complaints. Connective tissue injuries and permanency prognosis potential. Certification in AACME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo, Diplomate, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Texas Chiropractic College, School Of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Buffalo, NY, 2016
Orthopedic Testing: Principles, Clinical Application and Triage, Integration of orthopedic tesng in the clinical seng to develop a differential diagnosis. Utilizing radiographic and advanced imaging inclusive of MRI and CAT scan findings to verify ssue pathology suspected by orthopedic tesng conclusions and developing a treatment plan as sequelae. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
Orthopedic Testing: Cervical Spine, Integration of cervical orthopedic tesng in the clinical seng to develop a differential diagnosis. Utilizing radiographic and advanced imaging inclusive of MRI and CAT scan findings to verify tissue pathology suspected by orthopedic tesng conclusions and developing a treatment plan as sequelae. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
Orthopedic Testing: Cervical Spine, Integration of cervical orthopedic tesng in the clinical seng to develop a differential diagnosis. Utilizing radiographic and advanced imaging inclusive of MRI and CAT scan findings to verify tissue pathology suspected by orthopedic tesng conclusions and developing a treatment plan as sequelae. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
Orthopedic Testing: Lumbar Spine, Integration of lumbar orthopedic testing in the clinical seng to develop a differential diagnosis. Utilizing radiographic and advanced imaging inclusive of MRI and CAT scan findings to verify tissue pathology suspected by orthopedic tesng conclusions and developing a treatment plan as sequelae. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
Orthopedic Testing: Clinical Grand Rounds, how to integrate orthopedic testing in the clinical seng utilizing both simple and complex paent scenarios. It includes potential stroke, or vertebrobasilar insufficient patients and understanding the nuances in a clinical evaluation with orthopedic testing as a critical part of the evaluation and screening process. How to integrate orthopedic testing in the clinical setting utilizing both simple and complex paent scenarios. It includes potential stroke, or vertebrobasilar insufficient patients and understanding the nuances in a clinical evaluation with orthopedic tesng as a critical part of the evaluation and screening process. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2021
Spinal Trauma Pathology, Research Perspectives, The review of current literature standards in spinal trauma pathology and documentation review of biomechanical failure, ligamentous failure and age-dating disc pathology. Certification in AACME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo, Diplomate, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Texas Chiropractic College, School Of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Buffalo, New York, 2021
Spinal Trauma Pathology, Clinical Grand Rounds,, The review of case histories of mechanical spine pathology and biomechanical failures inclusive of case histories, clinical findings and x-ray and advanced imaging studies. Assessing comorbidities in the triage and prognosis of the injured. Certification in AACME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo, Diplomate, Academy of Chiropractic Post- Doctoral Division, Texas Chiropractic College, School Of Medicine and Biomedical
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Sciences, Buffalo, NY, 2021
Spinal Trauma Pathology, Biomechanics of Traumatic Disc Bulge and Age Dang Herniated Disc Pathology, The biomechanics of traumatic disc bulges as sequelae from trauma and the comorbidity of ligamentous pathology. Age-dating spinal disc pathology in accordance with Wolff’s law. Certification in AACME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo, Diplomate, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Texas Chiropractic College, School Of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Buffalo, NY, 2021
Neurology & Vagus Nerve Stimulation, Accurate method of locating site of the neurological irritation (compression) associated with specific neurological dysfunction. Diplomate, Fetterman Events, National University of Health Sciences, Marion, Illinois, 2020
Inflammation & Food Sensitivities, The biochemical process behind inflammation and how it becomes chronic inflammation. Leaky gut and the gut microbiome’s importance and role it plays in overall health as well as specific conditions will be discussed. 1. How chronic inflammation affects the gut and how it leads to food sensitivities. 2. What food sensitivities are exactly and how we can test for them and treat them. Fetterman Events, National University of Health Sciences., Marion, Illinois, 2020
Sexual Harassment, Sexual Harassment Laws and Rules for the Chiropractic Profession. Information includes material from regulatory sources to satisfy sexual harassment knowledge and requirements. Fetterman Events, National University of Health Sciences, Marion, Illinois, 2020
Professional Boundaries, Review of Professional Boundaries and Ethics for the Chiropracc Profession. Informaon includes material from regulatory sources to sasfy Boundary and Ethics knowledge enhancement and requirements. Feterman Events, Naonal University of Health Sciences., Marion, Illinois, 2020
Upper Extremity Taping Techniques, Athletic and Kinesio taping methods for the Upper Extremities – Special extras for Shoulders & Cervical Technique!- Overview of examination and treatment of common injuries Fetterman Events, National University of Health Sciences., Marion, Illinois, 2020
Interactive Metronome On Demand Certification & Teaching Course, Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-based training and assessment tool, shown to improve cognition, attention, focus, memory, speech/language, executive functioning, comprehension, as well as motor & sensory skills. Based on scientific evidence behind IM, while geng hands-on practical applications of IM, to address critical brain timing skills with clients, in order to improve outcomes in the areas of cognitive,
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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communicative, motor, sensory, and academic performance in conditions like ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Stroke, and TBI. Continuing Education Board of the American Speech- Language-Hearing Association , Marion, Illinois, 2020
Myofascial Disruption Technique, In a matter of seconds a physician with FDM skills is a to make a decision about correct therapeutic measure during a competition. Therefo the FDM is a well-established medical care method in top class sports, in particu soccer. Certification in Myofascial Disruption Technique, Fetterman Events, Lincoln Colle of Post professional, Graduate & Continuing Education, Jackson, MS, 2019
Dry Needling Applications, Superficial Dry Needling is a treatment method for so tissue that affects enthesis disruptions and trigger points that, when done correctly, offers immediate pain relief for your patient. Safety concerns as well as proper needle use and disposal will be emphasized. Demonstrations of safe and appropriate handling of needles, clean needle technique and the OSHA needle safety standard will result in the participant clearly understanding dry needling and when and when it should not be used. The risks and potential complications of dry needling will be studied as well as how to identify potential adverse effects and how to manage emergencies. Certification in Dry Needling Application, Fetterman Events, , Nashville, TN,2019
Taping Techniques & Sports Medicine, Establish the proper taping techniques to decrease muscle tightness and fatigue, increase joint stability and proprioception, relieve pain, correct joint problems and edema reduction. Certification in Kinesio Taping Procedures in Sports Injuries, Diplomate, Fetterman Events, Fetterman Events, Marion, Illinois, 2019
Rehabilitation and Functional Movement Strategies, Clinical concepts of treating Trigger Points with minimal or no pain methods. Topics include functional strength, power, flexibility and fitness as it relates to everyday work, home and recreational activities. Certification in Rehabilitation and Trigger Point Therapy, Diplomate, Fetterman Events, Fetterman Events, Marion, Illinois, 2019
Acupuncture, Using acupuncture and meridian therapy focusing on master points to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emoonal condions Diplomate, Feterman Events, Feterman Events, Marion, Illinois, 2019
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Featured Speaker, Prevenon Processes that Result in Cultural Change for the Employee, Cummins Engine Corp, Cummins Engine Corp, World Headquarters, Columbus, I2013-
Instructor, Phase Two # 11 – Management of So Tissue Syndromes and Case Studies, Occupational Health and Applied Ergonomics Diplomate Post Graduate Specialty Program, ( 12.0 Contact Hours)., Northwestern Health Sciences University, Bloomington, MN, 2006-
Instructor, Illinois Nurses Association, Method for Current Assisted Massage for Correction of Pathophysiology of So Tissue Dysfunction in Humans”, INA-CE Approval Number 0508-6913. (6.0 Contact Hours) , 2005-
Instructor, Illinois Nurses Association, Method for Current Assisted Massage for Correction of Upper & Lower Body So Tissue Dysfunction in Humans”, INA-CE Approval Number 0508-6914. (6.0 Contact Hours) , Illinois Nursing Association, 2005-
Instructor, Ergonomic Considerations in the Workplace; A Systems Approach; 8 hours, Southeast Mo. University, Cape Girardo, MO, 2004 –
Instructor, Ergonomic Considerations in the Workplace; A Systems Approach; 8 hours, Southeast Mo. University, On Site at Briggs & Stratton Facility, Poplar Bluff, MO., Poplar Bluff, MO, 2004 –
Speaker, Occupaonal Medical On-site System for Treang Symptoms, Tracking Trends, and Creang Effecve Feedback for Connuous Improvement in Ergonomics and Employee Morale, Ergonomics and Employee Morale, Oklahoma Alliance for Manufacturing Excellence, Lawton, Oklahoma, OK, 2004 –
Speaker, Applied Procedures for Reducing MSD’s In the Workplace, Lt Governor’s Office, Lt. Governor, Ms. Mary Fallon and Execuve Staff, State Capital Building, Oklahoma City, OK, 2004 –
Instructor, Workers Compensation, A Different Perspective, INA-CE Approval Number 399-4582, (7.8 hours). , Illinois Nurses Association, 2004 –
Speaker, Biomechanics and Musculoskeletal Disorders of Equine Function, Veterinary School of Medicine, University of Illinois, Champaign Urbana, IL, 2003 –
Speaker w/ Tom Goetz, DVM, Chief of Surgery, Veterinary School of Medicine, University Of Illinois, Champaign – Urbana, Applied principles for Tendon Injury of the
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Yearling Equines in Compeon, Fairmont Race Track, Trainers, Fairmont Race Track, St. Louis, MO, 2003 –
Speaker, Northeast Oklahoma Safety Coalion, St. Mary’s Hospital, Northeast Oklahoma Safety Coalion, Oklahoma City, OK, 2001-
Speaker, Biomechanical Prevention Concepts Applied in the Poultry Industry, Corporate Headquarters, OK Industries, Fort Smith, AR, 2001 –
Speaker, Offseng the impact of OHSA’s enacted Ergonomic Direcves: Corporate Headquarters, , Farmland Industries, Kansas City, IL, 2000 –
Speaker, Featured Speaker, Establishing Prevention Principles into a Best Practices Act, Annual Safety Meeting, Meridian Automotive, Meridian Automotive at Huntington College, Huntington, IN, 2000 –
Featured Speaker, Establishing an Industrial Consulting based Practice: Considerations for the Practicing Chiropractic Physician, Kansas State Chiropractic Annual Convention, Wichita, KS, 1998-
Speaker, Fundamental Considerations in Industrial Consulting for the Practicing Chiropractic Physician, Illinois Prairie State Association District Meeng, Alton, IL, 1998-
Instructor, Illinois Nurses Associaon, Biomechanical Ergonomic Analysis Procedures, INA-CE Approval Number 399-4583, (7.8 hours). , Illinois Nurses Associaon, 1997-
Instructor, Illinois Nurses Associaon, Basic Early Intervenon Techniques of Musculoskeletal Disorders, INA-CE Approval Number 299-4576, (6.0 hours). , Illinois Nurses Associaon, 1997-
Instructor, Illinois Nurses Associaon, Establishing an Effecve Medical Intervenon Program: Advanced Stabilizaon Techniques of Musculoskeletal Disorders, INA-CE Approval Number 0300-4847, (15.0 hours). , 1997-
Instructor, 2003 Internaonal Academy of Occupaonal Health Care Consultants, Minneapolis, MN (6.0 hours) , 1997-
Featured Speaker, Annual Health, Safety & Environmental Conference, Wood-Bridge Group, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, 1995-
Developed, Researched and Produced, The Ice Bath Program; a two set video, for upper and lower extremities on the clinical application of ice to decrease and eliminate swelling., Johnson Controls Automotive Systems Group, St. Mary’s, OH, 1995-
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Developed Job Specific Program for JIT (just in time) Seating Systems, 54 Minute Power Flex Industrial Exercise Video, ReSPONDeX Systems Inc., NBC Studio, Madison, WI, 1995- 1995.
Speaker, Featured Speaker – Safety Workers Compensation Summit Meeting, Johnson Controls, Inc., Geels, Belgium, 1993-
Instructor, Advanced 5 days Clinical Seminar, Post Graduate Hours, Moon Palpaon Instute & Cleveland Chiropracc College, Kona, Hawaii, 1993-
Featured Speaker, Featured Speaker at the Eastern Tennessee Personal
Association, Featured Speaker at the Eastern Tennessee Personal Association, Knoxville, TN, 1993-
Speaker, Featured Speaker at the OEM/Auto Supplier H.R. Execuves Round Table, OEM/Auto Supplier Associaon, Detroit, MI, 1993-
Speaker, Featured Speaker at the Western Tennessee Personal Association, Tennessee Personal Association, Nashville, TN, 1993-
Speaker, Featured Speaker: Biomechanical Analysis & Treatment Protocols for Reduction of Cumulative Trauma, Ikeeda Hoover, Ltd., , Sunderland, United Kingdom, 1993-
Recognized Authority on Chiropracc Industrial Consulng Procedures, Featured parcipant in the FCER (Foundaon for Chiropracc Educaon and Research) Video Clinics “Working with Business and Industry.” , FCER (Foundaon for Chiropracc Educaon and Research) , Orlando, FL., 1993-
Instructor, Author and Producer of Power Flex Exercise Program, a 54-minute professional video of industrial exercise for JIT Seang, Johnson Controls Automove Systems Corporate Group, St. Mary’s , OH, 1993-
Lecturer, Prevenon Soluons for Automove Systems Best Pracce’s, Corporate Automove Division Headquarters, Johnson Controls, Inc., Plymouth, MI, 1991- 1991
Speaker, Controlling Worker Compensaon Losses: The Role of Health Care Professionals, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, 1991- 1991
Speaker, The Chiropracc Role In Industry: Illinois State Convenon, Prairie State Chiropracc Associaon, Urbana, IL, 1991-
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Featured Speaker, Prevention and Treatment of So Tissue Injuries, Argonne National Laboratory University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Lamont, IL, 1990- 1990
Featured Speaker: Third Convening of International Academy of Industrial Consultants, Minneapolis, MN, Featured Speaker: Third Convening of International Academy of Industrial Consultants, Minneapolis, MN, 1988- 1988
1: Federal Signal, 1300 West Bartlet Rd., Elgin, IL 60120 – 7529
2: General Electric, P O Box 2913, Bloomington, IL 61702 – 2913 3: Crown Equipment Corporaon, New Bremen, OH, 45869 USA.
4: Johnson Controls Inc., Automove Systems, Plymouth, MI 48170.
5: Setex Inc., (Parent Companies Adient & Tachi S), St. Mary’s Ohio 45885. 6: Weber State University, Ogden, UT 84408.
7: Client List, United States.
8: Client List, Non-United States.
Oslay, T. (2013). Be a Prevenon Doctor — Part II. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 11(Issue 01)
Oslay, T., Sweere, J. (2009). Golden Rules for Vibrant Health in Body, Mind and Spirit. Page 130-131
Oslay, T. (2006). Method and Device for Current Assisted Massage for Correction of Soft Tissue Dysfunction in Humans. United States Patent Office, 0155220 (US 2006)
Oslay, T. (2003). Selling Yourself by Understanding Workers’ Compensation Management. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 21(Issue 04)
Oslay, T. (2003). Focusing Your Goals. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 20 (Issue 20). Oslay, T. (2002). Secrets to a Prosperous Industrial Consulng Pracce. Dynamic
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Chiropractic, Vol. 20 (Issue 15).
Oslay, T. (1994). The Industrial Physical Examination. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 12 (Issue 04).
Oslay, T. (1993). Why Doesn’t That Injured Worker Get Better? Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 11 (Issue 17)
Oslay, T. (1993). The Dysfunconal Workforce. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 11 (Issue 19) Oslay, T. (1992). Be a Prevenon Doctor — Part I Injury Reporng. Dynamic
Chiropractic, Vol. 10 (Issue 24)
Oslay, T. (1992). The Critical Importance of the Pre-Employment Physicals. Vol. 10 (Issue 21),
Oslay, T. (1992). Deciphering ADA — (A Lot) More Guidelines. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 10 (Issue 18).
Oslay, T. (1992). The Door Is Open — At Least Knock. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 10 (Issue 13)
Oslay, T. (1992). Cumulave Trauma Injury. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 10 (Issue 09).
Oslay, T. (1992). The Crical Importance of the Pre-Employment Physicals. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 10 (Issue 21).
Oslay, T. (1992). There Is No Magic Bullet. Vol. 10 (Issue 03). Oslay, T. (1991). The Symposium. Vol. 09 (Issue 21).
Oslay, T. (1991). The Plant Walk-Through. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 09 (Issue 19). Oslay, T. (1991). Take the First Step. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 09 (Issue 11).
Oslay, T. (1991). Now Is the Time. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 09 (Issue 09).
Oslay, T. (1991). Chiropracc Consultaon in Industry. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 09
(Issue 01).
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Oslay, T. (1990). Let’s Tell the Story. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 08 (Issue 21).
Oslay, T. (1990). Cumulative Therapy – Cont. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 08 (Issue 13). Oslay, T. (1990). Cumulative Trauma. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 08 (Issue 11).
Oslay, T. (1990). Carpal Tunnel, Part 2. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 08 (Issue 09).
Oslay, T. (1990). Medical Invesgaon and Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 08 (Issue 07).
Oslay, T. (1990). Carpal Tunnel Diagnosis Denied. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 08 (Issue 03).
Oslay, T. (1990). Article Two — Job Specific Exercise. Dynamic Chiropractic, Vol. 08 (Issue 01).
Oslay, T. (1990). Contribuon: Accident Prevenon Manual For Industrial Operaons; Vol. 1, Chapter 10, Naonal Safety Council.
Oslay, T. (1988). Interview: Dr. Ted Oslay. International Academy of Industrial Consultants Newsletters Quarterly.
Academy of Chiropracc
Palmer College of Chiropracc Alumni Associaon, Alumni, 1987 – Present
The Council On Nutrion, American Chiropracc Associaon, Member, 1985 – Present
Endorsed by the IAOHC, IAOHC- Internaonal Academy of Chiropracc Occupaonal Health Care Consultants, 2004.
Naonal Leadership Award, Honorary Co-Chairman Business Advisory Council, Naonal Republican Congressional Commitee, 2003.
2003 Business Man of the Year, The Naonal Republican Congressional Commitee’s Business Advisory Council, 2003.
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Cerficate of Appreciaon for Disnguished Columnist, Moon Palpaon Instute, Hunngton Beach, California, 1994.
Member of the Ergonomics Senate Subcommitee B-11 of the American Naonal Standard Instute (ANSI). , 1989
Chancellor in Chiropracc, PMA, 1986 The Cornerstone Award, PMA, 1986
Outstanding Young Man of America, Outstanding Young Men Of America, 1985
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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sink e rator” ISE
Dr. Oslay,
Since we began using your in-house therapy process we have not iced signifi cant improvements. Our claim cost s have been directly reduced by over $800,000.00 by the end of the fi rst year. In addition we reduced our lost and restricted days signifi cant ly and have prevented a number of surgeri es that would have been unnecessary. We are in the t hi rd year of off ering in-house t reat ment you developed and the employees use it for work and non-work related complaints.
Mike Foy, Dir ector of HR
4700 , 21st St r eet, Racine, WI 53406 262-554-5432
Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 Nor
th Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]
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Ted Oslay D. C., P. C.
700 North Carbon Street, Suite B, Marion, IL 62959 (618) 942-7376 [email protected]